Projects On"
CPP Upstox
Unofficial C++ client for communicating with Uplink (Upstox Trading API). CPPUpstox is header- only library that wraps around Upstox Uplink REST API.It saves you the hassle of directly communicating with...
InMemory DB
Designed a lightweight Redis clone using C++, utilizing hash tables with intrusive data structures and separate chaining to effectively manage collision resolution. Implemented the server in a single-threaded architecture using...
Message Relay Service
A scalable Rust-Based Message Relay Service, utilizing Axum for the web framework and Tokio for asynchronous programming. This service allows clients to connect via WebSockets, enabling real-time communication. The implementation...
Qt Chat Application
Developed a real-time Chat Application using C++, leveraging the QTcpServer and QTcpSocket classes for seamless communication between clients and the server. This application features a custom chat protocol to ensure...
Diagnosis of Retinal Diseases From OCT Images
Created a deep learning-based system for classifying retinal OCT images into four categories: CNV, DME, DRUSEN, and NORMAL. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a widely-used imaging technique that captures high-resolution...
Will Update my Projects Soon